Cinnamon Rolls For A Cause

  • Sep 30, 2015

Cinnamon Rolls For A Cause

The Moir family raised over $1,000 for #SafeShelterNepal in August by selling cinnamon rolls in their community, this is their story.  

Our family wanted to help after seeing the news story on KSL where Safe Shelter Nepal was featured. As I watched the information and heard that in the days following the earthquake, in Nepal, mothers had to deliver their babies on the streets broke my heart. As a mother I couldn’t imagine delivering a baby in such harsh circumstances. I felt that, although we live in very different circumstances we were united as mothers. I felt a connection to these woman; we are both trying to do the same thing, love and nurture our children.

There were two very meaningful parts of this experience. The first was to be able to witness the goodness of others. Many people donated so generously and we felt humbled to be able to see that. One family had saved up extra cash through the year, put it in jars, and donated the money to struggling families during the holiday season. They were never able to find a place to give their last jar and were waiting for the “right” place to give the money. They told me when they heard about our cinnamon roll drive for Nepal they knew that is where the money needed to go.  On the lid of the jar was a sticker that read “I can make a difference”. That phrase is now the background screen on my phone, to remind me that we can all make a small difference in the world.

The second part of this experience that stands out in my mind was delivering the money to TIFIE.  They made it an EXPERIENCE for my family. They showed us the actual tents that serve as birthing centers for the Nepalese women and told us what a difference it makes for them to have a safe, clean place to deliver their babies. We were all touched and inspired to be able to see the work that is going on at TIFIE, so much so that when we left my seven year old boy turned to me and said, “Mom, I feel like I’m going to cry.” It was amazing to have an experience that evokes these emotions in my kids.

If you have a desire to help and you’re not sure where to start, simply begin by opening your eyes and ears, there are opportunities everywhere!  One thing we learned is how exciting it is to be a part of something good that can make a difference for others. Just begin by taking that first step forward!

This is the Moir’s story, what’s yours?