Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Or that no one sees you? Like the world was meant for everyone, but you? High school can be trying for anybody, but for some, it’s the time where they receive the course-correction and encouragement that sets them on a new path of life.
Students at Roots Charter High School, Utah’s first agriculture charter high school, come to the school for a variety of reasons. Some want to pursue an interest in agriculture or gardening, some live nearby, some need to make up credit and traditional schools aren’t an option anymore. Whatever the reason, what they find at Roots is belonging and the belief that their future is bright.
When we initially met Tyler Bastian three years ago, we were intrigued by the agriculture focus of the school. Tifie’s foundation is built upon hard work, sowing and reaping, and digging in the dirt. It was an obvious shared value. But it was Tyler and his passion, his belief that providing a new culture of belonging at Roots, could swing open the doors to the big and beautiful world that is out there.

Roots recently had its graduation and we are thrilled to see the graduation rates increase from 35% to 78% over the course of three years. As impressive as that jump in percentage is, more meaningful is the fact that those numbers represent real kids. Real students who didn’t think they’d graduate. A girl who came to school hungry, shopping in the student pantry for breakfast and lunch. A guy who didn’t want to go home to his apartment, so he’d stay as long as he could at school, where he felt safe and welcomed, and was even given jobs to do to help out. Real kids with real needs: Hungry bellies. Lonely hearts. Anxious thoughts. Gang pressure. Our high schoolers live in a harsh reality, especially if they come from at-risk environments where graduation is a long shot, for whatever the reason.

Raising animals increases a student’s likelihood of staying in school and graduating.
One aspect of belonging is by helping others belong – and at Roots, those “others” are animals. This year 48% of graduates raised and directly cared for a farm animal that they owned during the school year. Tyler has found that the raising of animals increases a students likelihood of staying in school and graduating. Doesn’t that seem like a beautiful principle of life— when we take care of others, we really are taking care of ourselves? It reminds me of a tried and true Robert Workman quote, “When you do good, you get good.”

Roots can’t solve everything for its students, but the teachers work diligently to provide an environment where students know that they are cared for, that they are important and that their future is bright with potential. With one on one time, counseling, graduation coaches, and career fairs, there are constant connection points to the future. Tifie and Barebones have helped with Career Fairs at Roots for the last three years, which many from our Tifie community have participated in (thank you!!). The Career Fair exposes students to the variety of opportunities they have after graduation beyond the traditional four-year college, from tech schools, volunteer opportunities, skilled trades, entrepreneurship, and college opportunities.

Students were able to visit with cosmetologists, economists, delivery drivers, marketing specialists, business, finance and more during the 2018 career fair.
One graduating student wrote about his experience at Roots and his relationship with his teachers. (Get some tissues…)
Zach’s Story:
“Without this school, I’d be a nobody and now I’m a somebody.” —Zach, 2018 Graduate

We believe Zach has always been a “somebody”, but the amazing teachers and staff that pour their hearts and time into students helped him realize his potential and inherent value.
So today, we are giving thanks for teachers who help students realize that they are somebody.
To animals and pets who feel like family and give a sense of purpose
To parents and stand-in parents, who are sacrificing and working hard for their children
To people like Tyler, who pursues big dreams that will make a difference in the lives of hundreds.
To people like Robert, who remind us to dig in the dirt and do good every day.
To local businesses who have donated, toured, listened and advised.
To people like who, you have heard about Roots, and given your time, your resources, your experience, to students who will remember when an adult took interest in them and had a conversation.
Thank you, village.