Matt Barr of Barr Photography and his daughter Jessi came with us to Ghana in March. It was wonderful having another set of eyes to see Kushea in a new light, in addition to having to connect with on the trip. Matt has traveled internationally personally and for his business, and it was a return trip to Ghana for him. We appreciated his thoughtful insights, his friendly demeanor, and of course, his amazing photography. Matt quickly became the favorite visitor from our group with everyone in the village because he had a fancy camera and could immediately show them his photos.
Neatest City in Ghana and Friendliest People
Matt has spent time in a few other cities in Ghana in past years, filming for other NGOs. We think Kushea is pretty special, but it was nice to hear it from someone who’s spent time in other places in Ghana as well.
“One of the things was evidently unique was that Kushea is a beautiful clean village. My previous experience in Ghana was in villages that were full of trash. I spent time in a larger village that was trying to be more commercial, or more westernized. There were cell phone towers, gas stations, much more of a city. My experience in this other city Kushea feels like a quaint village where people were peace in their space. There was a feeling of contentment of Kushea, where people weren’t looking for handouts.”
We have to agree with Matt, both in Ghana and in Congo, Kushea is so neat and tidy, and its inhabits Nana Prah has so much pride in Kushea and has instilled that in the village. Every Wednesday is a city-wide clean up time from 7am – 9am, before the farmers go out to the cocoa fields. Everyone, parents and children, pick up trash, clear weeds and work on community projects together. There are iconic garbage bins throughout the streets, painted the color of the Ghanian flag, to encourage cleanliness.
The people of Kushea are so friendly. Lots of smiling eyes, friendly waves, and invitations to chat. Our first evening there we talked a walk through some side streets. We passed by one family and a lady called out to us “Nana! Nana!” Nana is a title of royalty and respect, any chief or subchief would be called Nana. Because Robert was appointed the Chief of Development in a ceremony two years ago, he is recognizing in the village. This lady remembered him from past trips and wanted to take a photo with him. (Photo: 231_042018 Ghana Tife.jpg)
Last November, we returned to Fiji where 60 Barebones shelters were sent in partnership with Direct Relief. Erik Workman was part of the first group of Barebones to begin set up in 2016. Tifie’s mission is to empower people to lift themselves up. We try to avoid the “love ’em and leave ’em” mentality that often occurs in humanitarian work, so it’s important to us to stay connected to our partners and projects long after the initial disaster relief.
Cyclone Winston leaves thousands homeless
Erik Workman and community volunteers helping unload safe shelter parts
This relief mission was the first time for Erik Workman to be on the ground assessing needs and training people in the shelter set up. Upon his arrival, he saw the devastation with his own eyes and got a glimpse of what people were going through. He said another storm was approaching and could happen at any minute, giving him a sense of panic on the island.
It was obvious to Erik that the devastation of the secondary storms would be emotionally and physically devastating since most families were already homeless and forced to rebuild their lives.
Some of the people Erik talked to recounted their stories— how they were fleeing their homes and turned around to see their home following them!
“You just don’t even know or realize how destructive a storm like this is until you see the aftermath and realize the complete loss of everything just in that quick instance.”
In disaster situations where so many families are in need, we asked Erk how they decided and chose families to assist.
He said that the Savu Savu Foundation, our project partners, worked with each village’s chief to determine who needed to help the most. They found families who would not be able to rebuild a home themselves— top priorities being single mothers, elderly individuals and families with a lot of children, people who were physically unable to rebuild their homes.
April 2016, photographer Sabrina Gardner
In Fiji, “life grows back quickly.” Even in the month between when the Cyclone hit and when Erik arrived with the shelters a month later, the island was already teeming with new life and new growth. The spirit of the land is full of life and resiliency, and that clearly is the spirit of the Fijian people. They immediately got to work, rebuilding homes, lives, normalcy as best they could. Visiting a year and a half later, it was obvious that even in the midst of rebuilding, life is abundantly growing back.
Returning to Fiji 18 months later
“We’ve fallen in love with this community. They were so grateful and willing to help.”
Robert and Ange Workman and Erik and Missy Workman returned to Fiji in November, 2017 to follow up with our project partners and enjoy the rebuilding of the tourist industry since the Cyclone.
November 2017 Robert Workman and Erik Workman visiting the communities with barebones safe shelters
It was obvious to all of the Workmans that the people of Fiji are very special. They have a self-sustaining spirit and were filled with so much gratitude. Robert and Erik both echoed that, “we’ve fallen in love with this community. They were so grateful and willing to help.” Upon returning to Fiji, Erik was reminded of the self-sacrifice of so many of the people that he met in the first few hours of his trip. People who weren’t receiving shelters themselves, but showed up in the humid rainy weather to help people in their community.
The Workmans were so grateful for the hospitality of Helen, Linda, Bart, and the team at Jean Cueasteu Resort for their hospitality. It was truly this resort, who sponsor the SavuSavu Foundation , who coordinated the disaster response. The resort employs so many people on the island that they take disaster response seriously because it is their families. Erik said that Helen was the mother of the island.
We asked Robert what this project meant to him after going to Fiji.
“This was a true Tifie partnership. We were just one part of a great group of people. Shelters from Tifie, training and support from Barebones, medical supplies and logistics from Direct Relief, and local leadership from SavuSavu Foundation, and the people themselves. It was truly the people themselves who were lifting themselves back up.”
While there, they discovered that Direct Relief still supplies 80% of the islands medical supply needs. This was very moving to Robert, because it showed the long-term support that Direct Relief has with its partners. So often in emergency relief, aid organizations provide supplies and donation in the immediate aftermath, but disappear in the long years of rebuilding communities.
“We are so proud to be associated with Direct Relief and to be part of their projects around the world.” – Robert Workman
In Fiji, Tifie focused on the “shelter” development pillar. In our long-term projects, we look to immediate needs like emergency shelter or reliable power, and then focus on what additional needs the community has asked for, like education or job development. We talked with Erik about Tifie’s pillars (shelter, power, food, water, education and jobs) and how he saw that play out in emergency relief.
“Tifie’s mission works so well in any situation. In order for you to survive or thrive you need to have a safe shelter, you need to have reliable power sources, you need to have clean food and water, and you need to have a community to gather around. — Erik Workman
Leaving Fiji, we felt the grounding effects of a strong community. Hearing stories from one person after another of what the Cyclone had done to their family, how they had helped, rescued fed, served, and rebuilt one another’s homes, it was obvious how much they cared about each other.
We’re thankful that we were able to help and see Fiji in its beauty as it is rising strong from its adversity.
Our Safe Shelter project wouldn’t be possible at the scope it is today if it wasn’t for our partner, Direct Relief. Starting in 2015, they were responsible for delivering our shelters to Nepal after the earthquake. Their mission is to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty and emergencies. Thanks to their efforts in over 80 countries around the globe, we are able to deliver tents to people who truly need a safe shelter.
Direct Relief responds quickly and holistically to local emergencies— primarily focusing on health care needs of the affected regions. Their support of the area goes far beyond the immediate days and weeks of the emergency, however. They offer long-term support to their project partners, avoiding the ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ cycle that can be so damaging.
Recent projects with Direct Relief include:
Maternal Health Clinics for Refugee Women
20 Barebones shelters were sent to HOPE Hospital in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, a refugee camp for Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. Over 800,000 people have arrived by foot, escaping unemotional horrors of ethnic cleansing at the hands of militants in their region. Arriving with nothing, expectant mothers and their children are an especially high risk, and the Hope Hospital provides essential services and care for these women. The shelters are part of the hospital and used as mobile clinics throughout the refugee camp. For more stories of women in the camp,this is an excellent article. Read more stories of the women in the camp and how improving maternal health is a critical need.
New Medical Center in Morales Mexico after Earthquake
Ocuituco’s health facilities were damaged during the September earthquake that left hundreds dead across the country and thousands of properties damaged in the state of Morelos.
Because of Direct Reliefs efforts in the area, the government of Morales requested Barebones shelters to be used as a new temporary health center in their city center, since their previous health facilities were destroyed in the earthquake in September of 2017. Direct Relief was able to participate in the ribbon cutting of the health center. Thomas Tighe, President and CEO of Direct Relief, shared with us his thoughts on the intangible benefits that these shelters provided to the people of Morales.
“As nice as the photos were, they didn’t capture what was so evident to me being there and seeing how much they meant. Beyond the obvious benefit— the community now has a place for health services to be provided— was a palpable sense of pride, hope, and forward movement. Those elements are always sort of the x-factor or special ingredient, without which things can just reset to a depressingly worse situation that only gets harder and harder to reverse as time goes on. The tents— because they are so nice, had been so carefully managed, looked so tight and orderly, and were put into immediate use— were a catalyst for that. The clinical staff and local leaders took great pride showing everyone the quality of the tents and how they’d been organized and were being used, and the response of the local citizens was similarly positive and upbeat.” – Thomas Tigh
Mobile Medical Clinics in Mexico City in 2017
Last year we sent shelters to Mexico City to be used as mobile diabetic clinics with Direct Relief. They have been set up and torn down almost once a week since last September and in these shelters, over 7495 patients have been treated in the shelter. With the health trainings that have been conducted, Direct Relief estimates that they have directly impacted 138,591 people through this program in the last year. Amazing!
Aura – A Nurse’s Story
“We can help impact the most disadvantaged communities directly with this program. Every medical campaign we organize is different, the context, even the stories we hear and encounter. Unfortunately, we find that access to health care facilities is neglected due to a lack of access to adequate transport in many of these communities. With my work and daily activities, I feel I can change the reality of the people benefitting from this program in a positive way.” – Aura
#P2P4PUR: People 2 People for Puerto Rico Partnership
When we received a warm introduction to Tim Dye from our friends over at One Heart, we were excited to connect with what he and his team were doing to provide health services to communities in Puerto Rico. With OHW’s glowing recommendations and amazing track record, we knew that we were among respected friends and colleagues.
The first mobile health clinic is set up in Puerto Rico
In the last few months of working with Tim, assessing needs, making product recommendations, coordinating shipping, shipping and more shipping details, the clinics are being set up and will be receiving patients! Tim wrote us that first day after setting up a shelter…
Tim and Jose and their teams are working with local community health clinics who need help since the Hurricane to provide services to their community.
Exhausting but rewarding day… set up our first mobile clinic. All set with the Barebones shelters, LifeStraw Community filters, and Goal Zero solar power systems. The clinic director in Arroyo was in shock – and said she’s using it immediately serving the mountain communities where everything was lost.
We heard and saw horrors today; seeing this mobile clinic up and having everything functioning brought us and our local partners hope. Thank you again for your donations, time, and support in our efforts.
Clinics include a Barebones shelter, Goal Zero battery and Life Straw water filtration system
The realities of doing humanitarian work in disaster zones are complicated. Staying on top of battery regulations, coordinating cargo into a broken freight system, navigating surprising (and what appears to be predatory) taxes, staying connected to donors, and that’s well before the the actual taking care of humans: talking, hugging, sweating, learning, hand-holding. For those of us behind the scenes, receiving the live updates from Tim and team, constructing shelters and setting up solar panels, was a refreshing, and human, reminder of why we are doing this in the first place.
The health care system has turned a little upside down since the hurricane. Mobile clinics will save lives as the months go on post-hurricane
Tim wrote to us that “We survive on hope and trust in the humanity we find in communities” and he has continued to expand our hope and trust as we’ve worked together. We love working with real people who care about real people. As we’ve been working in Puerto Rico, we’ve met people who are realistic, honorable, honest, emotional, humble, vulnerable, which instinctively draws that out of ourselves, and towards one another. The reason we’re doing all of this in the first place – toward one another.
People taking care of people
People taking care of Puerto Rico.
Stay in touch, more updates to come. Donate today to our project to continue to send aid to Puerto Rico.
We love our friends over at Roots Charter High School. We headed over to their West Valley campus to serve up our THIRD ANNUAL Thanksgiving Dinner with them last week.
Cuisine Unlimited provided a gorgeous feast, several local Kneader donated pies, and Barebones and Goal Zero employees donated their lunchtime to prepare and serve the students. High school eating areas are typically abuzz with conversation and excitement, but this felt especially anticipatory.
The students were eager to eat and help and seemed really appreciative. We left the day with full bellies of delicious food, fun conversation with people who care about them, and an emotional speech from Robert about all of us taking care of one another. We originally connected to Roots because of a chance meeting with Tyler Bastian, the director and Founder. His passion for providing students with the opportunity of learning in a farm and garden environment resonated with Robert and Tifie Ranch: the responsibility of caring for plants and animals, the opportunity to do math and science activities in a real-world lab, and the simple joy of digging in the dirt.
One teacher wrote us the next day that a new student told her that out of all the schools he has been too (and this student has been to a lot!) he had never seen something done for students as amazing as that luncheon was. She also said
We had several students who normally have a “tough guy persona”, who honestly were in awe of the generosity of you all. I cannot tell you how touching it was for me to see their whole being just soften for the rest of the day. Carrying around their little boxes of food, and plates of cookies like they had just won the lottery. I saw actual smiles of joy on their faces.
From my favorite Thanksgiving book, “Sharing the Bread”.
We will share the risen bread.
Our made-with-love Thanksgiving spread.
Grateful to be warm and fed.
We will share the bread.
We are thankful to share our abundance with our Roots Family, and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, with friends, family and food that warm your hearts and souls.
. One of the most basic needs of Syrian refugees is reliable shelter for medical treatment. A portion of the donated tents have immediately been put to work upon arrival in Syria and Kurdistan.
Safe Shelters in Idlib, Syria set up as medical triages
The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) received 15 Barebones Livingshelters
from Direct Relief and immediately put them to use in Idlib as triage areas for incoming patients. The shelters being set up next to a damaged hospital to provide a safe and dignified space for medical staff to assess needs. They also provided a protected space for children and families to wait together while family members undergo treatments. Idlib is one of the few provinces in Syria that is not under regime control, although it is in a state of alert as fighting between various armed groups are vying for control, and is about 60 km from Aleppo.
Safe Shelters in Kurdistan used as medical mobile clinics
Five shelters were deployed to Kurdistan and are being used as mobile medical clinics and child safety areas. The location is Talward, a newly liberated village in Kirkuk, from ISIS control. The team on the ground love the shelters and have requested more. Directorate of Health set up mobile clinics before using the actual hospitals in the those areas.
How you can help Syrian Refugees
The independent Doctors Association have received shelters and they are currently in transit.Hospitals and health care workers are being targeted by the Syrian Regime,
and many are having to offer medical services, literally, underground (visit
learn about hospital needs) in order to avoid attack. Barebones shelters will provide alternative locations for medical treatment and services. The refugee shelter need is greater than what Tifie and Barebones can provide but every donation, social media share, or fundraising event helps. 100% of donations for our
Safe Shelters to be used outside hospitals of areas affected by Hurricanes
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria, Tifie has responded by donating shelters with Direct Relief to provide immediate support. We are sending 15 tents with Direct Relief medical donations to Anguilla, British Virgin Islands – Tortola, and St Martin.
The tents have already arrived in St Martin and will be used outside of the hospital.
How you can help with those affected by Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria
The more tents we can send, the more lives we can help. Donate to our Safe Shelter Project today (100% of your donation goes toward the project) and share the need with others.
Our past donations to Fiji, Nepal, the Philippines shows the direct impact of having a safe shelter to use for temporary medical or housing needs provides. Thank you!
It was small trek through the beautiful east canyon for many, a big trek across the world for a few but an equal amount of happiness all around as our community gathered on September 9th at Tifie Ranch.
If one word could describe Tifie’s 10 Year Anniversary Party it would be love. But, one word does not suffice for the gratitude and feelings we have for all of those who attended. You’ll find through these videos and photos all the feels, the smiles and the joy when like-minded people share the same commitment of doing good.
A Special Thank You To Our International, Guests
It was an honor to have past and present project partners attend this event.
King Nana Prah shared his perspective of how Tifie impacts those in his community with all of us. Tifie has worked with Nana for the last 4 years, providing over 300 solar generators to families, entrepreneurs and schools in Kushea.
“It is difficult to tell who has benefited but it is tangible. If you know the places Tifie has been in Ghana, Kushea— before and after— then you can feel the difference.” – Nana Prah, Assin Kushea
Bernard Balibuno joined us from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bernard was the Director of Tifie for several years and was responsible for all of our operations in the DRC. With his experience and passion, Tifie developed businesses throughout the Kinshasa and Accra and connected with like-minded organizations and leaders. It was a joy to see Bernard’s family at the event, as many of us have spent time with them in their home in DRC throughout the years.
Jaime Figureroa travelled from Peru, an experienced humanitarian in building projects, teams and helping people provide for themselves. He has been working with Tifie as a project partner for three years, and has deep roots in Peru and Utah of doing good.
Thank You To Project Partners
Tifie has had amazing partners through the years and to have so many of those in attendance we thank you:
No matter how you’ve been a part of Tifie, from as simple as shopping with Amazon Smile (search and select Tifie Humanitarian as your non-profit), working at Goal Zero, or partnering with us on a project, we are all all connected with the same drive of simply doing good and providing tools that lead to sustainability. We felt the presence of that desire and recognize that in efforts to lift others up, we in turn are lifted up.
And finally, let’s pause and thank the women behind the scenes.
Halen, Tifie Executive Director, has worked with Tifie for 9 years, been employed with Goal Zero, participated in multiple humanitarian trips, and keeps the engine running. Mindy Burton is the marketing and content strategist at Tifie, and became an amazing event coordinator.
Please visit our projects or donation page to find out how you can be involved in our current projects.
Tifie is looking for two amazing individuals to go to Peru to work with our Greenhouse Project. One is focused on Greenhouse Best-Practices and the other is focused on Sales and Marketing for the local vendors. Spanish speaking would be helpful, but not necessary. Internship is on-site in Peru for 6-8 weeks and will be working closely with our project manager, Jaime Figuerero, a BYU graduate who has over 20 years experience in humanitarian projects.
More detailed job descriptions below. Please contact [email protected] for more info.
INTERNSHIP #1 Crop Distribution/Market Analysis
INTERNSHIP #2 Sales/Marketing
Time: Spring/Summer 2017 between June and Nov
Duration: 4 to 8 weeks. Negotiable.
Location: Sacred Valley, Cuzco area, Peru
Transportation: Local, by motorcycle or car
Airfare: Intern is responsible for airfare to/from Cusco
Lodging: Provided by Tifie in the city of Cuzco
Payment: Unpaid, but trip to Machu Picchu is provided
Location Background: The Chinchero, Anta, Oropesa & Sacred Valley are located in Peru near Cuzco and Machu Picchu The Cuzco area is an active tourist center with hotels, restaurants and great affluence of people from all over the world. Except for corn and potatoes, 80% of all produce is imported from other parts of Peru, creating an opportunity for organic produce to be delivered to Cuzco from the Chinchero areas. Tifie’s Greenhouse projects aims to provide local farms the opportunity to meet the need for organic and local produce, while benefiting and increasing local farmer income.
Tifie’s Project Intention:
Many humanitarian organizations have built greenhouses in the villages to aid these villages and Tifie Humanitarian is revitalizing these greenhouses by making them more productive through various methods such as venting, re-positioning, crop rotation, fertilization, and organizing commercial farming. The Tifie Humanitarian Peru Project is managed by Jaime Figueroa who has 28 years experience humanitarian service and received his MPA at BYU.
Spanish preferred, but not required
Willing to knock doors and talk to restaurant
Ability to lift up to 30 pounds
Sales/Marketing Internship Description:
Intern will study Cuzco restaurant market to determine which vegetables are in the highest demand, and make recommendations based on need
Identify sales pricing on produce
Based on a SWOT analysis, make distribution (delivery) plan and make recommendation of the most efficient and profitable delivery model
Identify available greenhouse and farmers that can produce and become part of the Tifie Greenhouse Co-Op
Help Jaime to create and update documents in Google Drive
Develop a system where Jaime could send more pictures to USA & develop easy collaborative tracking and documentation.
At the end of this internship, Tifie would like the following:
Recommendation of produce that local restaurants want and the cost that the restuarnts will pay
Sales Leads of Restaurants who will purchase from Tifie Greenhouse
Distribution Plan from Chinchero to Cusco with Budget
Crop and Natural Fertilization Analysis/Greenhouse Production/Hydroponic Production Systems
Analyze greenhouse crops to determine best crops to plant based on production demand, environment, elevation etc
Work with Sales/Marketing Intern to determine crops that are in demand in the city and markets, and what varieties are the best
Become our Biol Expert by monitoring natural fertilizer composition (biol) and application to determine most effective composition to produce highest yields. Also monitor hydroponic using minerals solve in the water vs. biol. Apply basic hydroponics in 10 elementary schools.
Become our Greenhouse Expert by working with Jaime, document the best practices for high yield and sustainable greenhouse. Also document how local farmers can modify existing greenhouses to increase yieldAt the end of the internship, Tifie would like the following:
Crop Recommendations for the area
Biol “Quick Fact” Guide and Instruction Guide for others to create Biol
Greenhouse Best Practices in Chinchero Area
For additional questions about the internship, please contact Ron Zarbock, Tifie Chairman of the Board at [email protected] or 801-831-9303
Tifie exists to support projects that help marginalized people provide for their own basic needs through sustainable access to food and water, shelter, power and education.
TIfie visited the Kushea community in March as honored guests of Nana Prah. We have partnered with Nana in his community for over a year, donating cash and solar product to the community. Last year, we donated solar power to all community buildings–police station, health clinic, and schools.
Our founder, Robert Workman, has said that he wants to leave a legacy of maintenance and self-dependence in Kushea. Nana is leading by example, showing his community that they must take pride in whatever it is that they do, how they do it, and paying attention to the details. Every project that we’ve partnered on with Nana has been with the community involved throughout the process–from the idea, implementation, location, building, labor, and maintenance of the program. This is the key to leaving a legacy of self-reliance.
Checking Up On Projects
Ange visiting members of the community at night, lit by solar-powered light.
We were so pleased to see solar panels on many houses and on every public building. In the evening, we could see homes lit up by Goal Zero solar lights, children doing homework, and families being together. What an honor! It was rewarding to see empowered individuals taking hold of an opportunity and creating more with what they have been given.
As we visited all the community buildings that had received solar power donations, we realized that most people were lacking basic instruction on how to clean their panels, read the battery monitors and operate the equipment for their needs. It was evident that a need for solar-trained personnel is necessary. A trainer will provide training to the community on their solar power systems, start a small business for upgrades and repairs, and provide feedback on how people are using the systems. The idea of maintenance and “training the trainers’ was a theme that occurred almost hourly, and will lay the foundation for sustainability and long-term impact for all future projects.
Before the solar backup was installed in the health center, the fridge would lose power several times a week, ruining precious medication and vaccinations. Now with the Yeti 1250 back up, the clinic saves $1000+ a week in medication and appointments!
Health Center
We visited the Health Center and it was full of nurses and patients. One of the nurses we spoke with shared one of her passions–to teach the village how to prevent sickness through proper nutrition and hygiene. The Center’s goal is to have zero deaths in their community–one maternal death is too many.
The clinic is working with local nursing and doctoral students to teach the community about preventative health and it offers contraception and feminine hygiene products to the women of the community.
Kuzu and Richard, the police staff, were happy to pose for photos in front of the newly constructed jail door, show us the lights that they use in their offices, and tell us about how they are making Kushea a safer place.
Police Station
Last year Tifie donated $1,500 to the local police station for renovation and power needs. When we walked through, there was an upgraded office with new paint LAL’s (link), and most importantly–DOORS ON THE JAIL. Kuzu and Richard, the police staff on duty the day we visited, were happy to pose for photos in front of the newly constructed jail door, show us lights that they use in their offices, and tell us about how they are making Kushea a safer place.
ITC Center
We visited the ITC Center while two classes were being held. We saw students that were engaged and excited to use the tablets. The grade one students were practicing simple instructions and a counting game on the tablet. The grade six students were having their science class at the Center.
Tifie donated to the internet connectivity at the ITC and as of the April 30th, the internet is on and students are connecting! Ongoing costs for the ITC Center will be provided by three income streams: Local cocoa farmers donate a portion of their sales, students pay $0.05 per lesson, and once internet is set up, the Center will be used as an internet cafe for visitors and locals both.
Perpetual Power Project
Akua is a master seamstress who works in the city center of Kushea, with 9 years of experience and 4 apprentices underneath her.
One of our pillars of community development is power. Electiricy is a scarce resource in Africa, and Ghana is no exception. Power is provided in the city, but it is inconsistent.
In 2015 Robert announced that Tifie was planning on electrifying 100 families in Kushea, and we’re happy to report that the installation is complete! Tifie donated half the cost of a 100W solar panel, Goal Zero Yeti 400, 2 Light-A-Lifes to a business or individual, and the person paid for the other half.