I don’t know about you, but the New Year message of “be better! be more!” made me raise my eyebrows this year. I’m all for improvement and thoughtful growth, don’t get me wrong. But I want those goals of growth be built on a foundation of love and worth. I believe that we, you and me, were made with intention and joy, and that makes us each worthy of love and belonging. We don’t have to be more, do more, or prove ourselves to earn love and belonging in this wonderful world.
We keep this in mind when we think of our project partners around the world. In our attempts to support and help others, we try to always keep a mindset of love and worth. The “savior complex” is real, especially in working in cultures that are different from our own, and we want to be so thoughtful and aware that we respect and celebrate every person as they are.
Do More By Being You

When I think of Tifie and our mission, I feel really confident that we are fulfilling our mission, being true to the intention of our board members, and thoughtfully engaging with our partners. When I think of me, and who I am, I feel confident that I am fulfilling who I am, being true to the intention of my Maker, and thoughtfully engaging with people in my life.
The flag I am waving this year is one of belonging and love. That you are seen, heard, and the world needs you, as you are, with the unique gifts and passions and ideas that make you who you are. And for myself, that I’m surrounding myself with inspiring people and peaceful places that remind me of that on a regular basis. I hope that our Tifie Community can be a place of inspiration for you.
So for you, dear Tifie community, please receive this message as a deep breath of relief and let it sink in deep. We want to see you, hear you and encourage you in this new year. And from there, move into growth. Or as one of my favorite new podcasters says “to move forward in love.” (Check out “The Next Right Thing” wherever you listen to podcasts for a short thoughtful podcast on decision making and soul care).
That being said, I am enjoying putting together our email plans and communication strategies for the year. We’re planning on emailing (subscribe!) you all once a month with a story from one of our projects that you’ve contributed to, a blurb from me or Robert, and resources for connecting thoughtfully to others, in your own community or with resources.
If that sounds interesting to you, let me know what you’d like to hear from us about, what you’d like to learn about our process of humanitarian work, of lessons learned, failed attempts, and the like. Email ideas and questions to [email protected].