The Kushea ITC center is now complete

When the most basic needs of safety and survival can be met, a person can continue to grow and dream for a bright future. The Kushea Community Partnership came about to provide sustainable power and technology for a community so individuals, families and businesses could lift themselves out of poverty by providing for themselves. Thanks to our partners Point Innovate, Goal Zero and King Nana Pra, we are excited to announce the completion of the Kushea ITC Center, a solar powered technology center.

The Center serves multiple purposes keeping education as the focus. It levels the playing field for the Kushea children and kids from Accra by giving them access to information and knowledge that will allow them to compete in the world. The Kushea ITC Center is the most impactful install that Tifie has done so far. The Center will service five local schools and communities, providing access to technology that opens up the outside world via digital media, books, educational content and the Internet.

Goal Zero handpicked a team of professionals to travel to Kushea to install the solar array for the ITC Center. ” All of equipment in the ITC Center is powered through the new 250 watt solar backup system to ensure sufficient power is available to run all the equipment, power the lights and other essential needs for a functional center. The battery backup will provide the center with three full days of autonomous power and allows it to be independent from the grid.

Watch the amazing video of the trip, the people of Kushea, and what this means to the community.

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