We are Tifie

  • Jun 15, 2015

We are Tifie

This month we want to share our passion, our vision, and most importantly our WHY. But of course with anything, the best place to start is with our story.

We are a community that believes every person deserves to provide for themselves, lifting themselves out of poverty. We were created out of a desire to do good, providing meaningful and impactful opportunities to projects that enable marginalized people to meet their own basic needs. We hope to teach and inspire, so that families can have the tools to thrive not just today, but for generations to come. We believe that when one can provide, one can thrive.

We support projects that promote self-sufficiency and job creation, create sustainable access to shelter, food, power, and water, increase health access and provide education.

We look at projects in a new way. Rather than just giving money, we developed tools that no matter where we worked, what culture differences, what belief systems we were facing, what language barriers we had, we could still help lift people out of poverty.  In our journey we realized that we didn’t have to go alone.  We could find like-minded communities and organizations that, working together we could do miracles.  Going alone without the support of a larger community is pretty tough and that is why we are glad to have you on board.

We can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together, are you ready?

Team Tifie